AOI = read_sf("")
ele = elevatr::get_elev_raster(AOI, z = 13) %>%
ele1 = ele *3.281
writeRaster(ele1, "data/basin-boundary.tif", overwrite = TRUE)
basin = raster("data/basin-boundary.tif")
osm1 = osmdata::opq(as.numeric(st_bbox(basin))) %>%
add_osm_feature("building") %>%
poly = osm1$osm_polygons %>%
railway = poly %>%
filter(amenity == "railway")
osm2 = osmdata::opq(as.numeric(st_bbox(basin))) %>%
add_osm_feature("waterway", "stream") %>%
stream = osm2$osm_lines
cm1 = crop(basin, poly) %>%
cm2 = crop(basin, stream) %>%
wbt_hillshade("data/basin-boundary.tif", "data/basin-boundary-hillshade.tif")
## [1] "hillshade - Elapsed Time (excluding I/O): 0.12s"
hillshade = raster("data/basin-boundary-hillshade.tif")
plot(hillshade, legend = FALSE, col = grey.colors(256, alpha = .5))
plot(basin, legend = FALSE)
plot(hillshade, add = TRUE, legend = FALSE, col = grey.colors(256, alpha = .5))
plot(cm2,add = TRUE)
river = stream %>%
st_transform(5070) %>%
st_buffer(10) %>%
mask_r = fasterize::fasterize(river, basin, background = NA)
writeRaster(mask_r, "data/river-flowline.tif", overwrite = TRUE)
wbt_breach_depressions("data/basin-boundary.tif", "data/basin-boundary-conditionedDEM.tif")
## [1] "breach_depressions - Elapsed Time (excluding I/O): 0.145s"
wbt_elevation_above_stream("data/basin-boundary-conditionedDEM.tif", "data/river-flowline.tif", "data/river-HAND.tif")
## [1] "elevation_above_stream - Elapsed Time (excluding I/O): 0.40s"
hand = raster("data/river-HAND.TIF")
river_r = raster("data/river-flowline.tif")
hand_offset = hand + 3.69
hand_offset[hand_offset == 3.69] = 0
writeRaster(hand_offset, "data/river-hand-offset.tif", overwrite = TRUE)
river_c = raster("data/river-hand-offset.tif")
flood = river_c
flood[flood >= 10.02] = NA
plot(hillshade, legend = FALSE, col = grey.colors(256, alpha = .5))
plot(flood, add = TRUE, col = palette(rev(blues9)))
plot(railway, add = TRUE, col = "green", cex = 1, pch = 16)
The map looks accurate with all provided data.
buildings = extract(flood, poly)
r_buildings = poly %>%
mutate(flooded = buildings)
plot(hillshade, legend = FALSE, col = grey.colors(256, alpha = .5),
main = paste0(sum(!$flooded)), " Impacted Buildings"))
plot(flood, add = TRUE, col = palette(rev(blues9)))
plot(r_buildings, add = TRUE, col = ifelse(!$flooded), "red", "black"), pch = 16, cex = .08)
plot(railway, add = TRUE, col = "green", cex = 1, pch = 16)
sb = AOI::aoi_get("Santa Barbara")
basin_sb = basin %>%
hillshade_sb = hillshade %>%
for(i in 0:20) {
hand_sb = river_c %>%
hand_sb[hand_sb >= i] = NA
building_sb = extract(hand_sb, poly)
sb_building = poly %>%
mutate(sb_flooded = building_sb)
plot(hillshade_sb, legend = FALSE, col = grey.colors(256, alpha = .5),
main = paste0(sum(!$sb_flooded)), " Impacted Buildings, ", i, " Foot Stage"))
plot(hand_sb, add = TRUE, col = palette(rev(blues9)))
plot(railway, add = TRUE, col = "green", cex = 1, pch = 16)
plot(sb_building, add = TRUE, col = ifelse(!$sb_flooded), "red", "black"), pch = 20, cex = .08)
}, gif_file = "data/mission-creek-fim.gif",
width = 600, height = 600,
delay = .7, loop = TRUE